Opening the throat chakra
Through healing the lower chakras we get clear on how we feel & our beliefs, the heart chakra connects us to our truth, and the throat chakra is how we express & embody it
what is the essence of the throat chakra?
The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is a hue of blue surrounding the throat. It is our energy center of communication, and expressing ourselves. Communication is not just our words or even our body language- its any transferring of energy between two. It includes any way we express or communicate our authentic truth and truest Self with the world. The tone of our voice, the lingo we use, the way we dress or just our aesthetic overall, are all ways we transfer our internal energy to the outside world.
The Throat chakra is also essential in connecting with spirit, with Source, with your highest Self. Though spiritual development is normally connected to the upper 2 chakras, it is the aspect of communication that makes the 5th chakra very connected to that essence as well. When we channel Source, we allow divine energy to be transferred to us and transmuted as art of all forms, light language & other singing, automatic writing, and healing energy like reiki. Allowing Source energy to flow through you is beyond those “flow state” moments I have when shuffling or hooping and I’m feeling super creative hitting every beat. Its more a feeling of an idea coming from outside you, from something greater than yourself, and you’re simply the conduit. In reiki we communicate healing energy through our hands and our touch but the healing energy is not ours as a reiki practitioner; it is sent from the divine and flows through my throat chakra into my patient.
An open Throat chakra is one that feels heard and understood by those around them, while also having the capacity to hold that same space for others too. An open Throat chakra easily transfers energy to others, like a charismatic public speaker, comedian or actor who can sway the audience. Or someone who can transmute the energy of the collective, like a journalist or activist. An expanding Throat chakra does not fear judgement of others, is comfortable in their own skin, and comfortable connecting to the divine.
The Throat chakra is restricted when we cannot listen well to others, interjecting our own stories as they talk- out loud or in our head. It is also restricted when we do not feel like we can be ourselves in some way, when we cannot embody our truth. Because we have all been very conditioned products of our society, there are many layers to this, some deeper & more complex than others. For example, maybe you have to follow a certain dress code at work or school, & feel pressured to act a certain way to “fit in” and fly under the radar with the people around you thinking you’re “normal.” Or maybe you never wear what you really want, because you think people will think its weird, or you’ll be slut shamed, or otherwise unaccepted. Whether its a small way, or our whole identity, constantly having to conform any aspect of ourselves is exhausting, constricting the throat chakra.
How do we connect to the throat chakra?
communicate with the self through writing and journaling. Try automatic writing to channel your higher Self (see prompts below and there’s tons online
practice an increased awareness around your language, the words you use. Avoid unnecessary negative conversations like gossiping or complaining. I don’t mean to be like “good vibes only” lol but there is a difference between constructively venting about a hard day or difficult emotions and just complaining. Avoid dishonesty as well, even in white lies like saying you’re ‘great’ when you’re not, or saying you ‘don’t mind’ when you totally do
embrace silence. Many people are very uncomfortable with silence, and part of that is due to our fast paced, very stimulating globalized society today. Get comfortable with embracing silence in conversation with others; similarly to the first point, an increased awareness around each word you use will help you realize any times you may be talking just to fill the silence without having anything valuable to say. Or you may be called to embrace silence when you realize you’re always listening to music or Netfilix or both, trying to escape the silence of your mind
Use your voice! This is something that can look so many ways, but the idea is to physically use your vocal cords in some way that feels natural and good to you. It is not a coincidence that most religions and spiritual practices use multiple forms of singing or chanting. Your voice specifically carries a uniquely powerful healing vibration that resonates with your cells
hum or sing out loud. In the shower or car or whenever you’re feeling the song and not care who sees you. You probably used to do this a kid. When & why did you stop?
practice saying mantras out loud. The mantras I’ve been listing with each chakra are the Bija mantras, or seed mantras, that were originally described with this chakra system in tantric yoga: a single syllable sound representing that energy center as an audible vibrational frequency. I would definitely recommend starting with one of the Bija mantras since its nice and simple with only one syllable (you can YouTube search the pronunciation). In meditation, the breath is used to make that sound on the exhale, very slowly. If you want to dive into this more, there are also tons of other mantras associated with the gods & goddess, each traditionally repeated 108 times.
read poetry or hymns or other writing that inspires you out loud
channel light language
sound healing through singing bowls or another traditional instrument with that echoing vibration. You can also listening to healing frequency videos on YouTube or any of the music/podcast apps!
self reiki feels super powerful for this chakra, especially because you can place your hands on your throat in a way that most reiki practioners probably would not
drink a warm, calming tea! Make it an intentional ritual, mindfully preparing the tea with the intention to send healing energy to the throat
stay hydrated, drink water! On a similar note to the last idea, as we drink water we cleanse the part of the physical body where this energy body resides. Plus the lips and mouth will stay moist, literally allowing for better communication
stretch the shoulders, neck, jaw, and face daily
Journal prompts:
After talking with others about important or difficult topics, do I typically feel uplifted & supported? Or heavy and misunderstood?
Reflect on times you’ve gossiped or sh*t talked someone/a group of people recently. How did it truly make you feel? What were your actual intentions behind engaging in this kind of convo? Was it necessary? Was I trying to make myself feel better about something? (hint: the answer to the last one is always yes lol)
What is my relationship with my inner voice? Am I constantly engaging in negative self talk? Am I trying to drown it out with constant input from other people’s voices and opinions through social media?
What is my relationship with my actual voice? Do I like the sound of it or hate hearing myself talk? Am I comfortable singing or do I avoid it because I think my voice sounds bad?
When do I feel pressured to conform? To present myself differently than is authentic to my Truth?
When have I been dishonest- even in a small way- with myself or others? What was I trying to protect with the dishonesty?
At a glance:
Color: blue ~ 490–450 nm
Physical vessel: throat, tongue, shoulders, ears, neck & all the glands located here
Bija mantra: “HAM”
Element: ether
Ayurvedic dosha: vata
Crystals: blue lace agate, celestilite, angelite, blue calcite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, turquoise, ammonite, aquamarine
Planet: Mercury