Expanding the Solar Plexus Charka

The Solar Plexus chakra is easily described in only a few words: personal power.

What is the essence of the solar plexus Chakra?

After our emotional development in the second chakra, the sense of self and identity develop in the third. The Solar Plexus chakra, or Manipura, can be visualized as a dazzling yellow, radiating in the upper abdomen. Think about the question “who am I?” The answer comes from the Solar Plexus Chakra.

The Manipura chakra is purpose, joy, contentment, happiness, & confidence. However, in the shadow aspect of the solar plexus lives the ego, defensive and unsure. We often live our lives so unsure of who we are as person- what we really like and enjoy. What makes us, us, for this incarnation on Earth? Sort of counter-intuitively, having a clear yet fluid sense of self allows us to have a deeper understanding of the universal truth that we are actually all one. We are each simply different manifestations of the same source in this lifetime, and a deep knowing of what makes your manifestation unique & purposeful helps you live authentically. Doing so encourages others to do the same, too.

Conversely to the 2nd chakra, the 3rd chakra is the energy center that most embodies the divine masculine. We can think of the divine masculine as the yang- a firey, active life force energy. The divine masculine is giving, providing, & doing rather than the creating, receiving & being of the divine feminine. Structure & stability, rather than going with the flow. In the same way that every being has their own way of being creative, every one of us has a role as a provider in society; we truly all have a purpose to serve for the greater good in this lifetime.

As a planet, the Solar Plexus chakra is our Sun. The Sun is very much our provider as humans on Earth, giving energy through photons of light that allow plants to grow & life to exist. The seeds of creation only come to fruition with the active input of the solar energy.

An open and connected solar plexus chakra has a clear knowing of our path. Confident in ourselves and our abilities, but also our role in society, family, and community. This chakra is expanding when we understand the purpose for our lifetime here on Earth, our dharma. This chakra is overflowing with yellow abundance when we are fulfilled by these roles, by our duty. It gives us a reason to wake up every day and step into the world with unwavering optimism.

How do we work with the solar plexus chakra?

Anything that builds your confidence and inner authority is connecting to the solar, divine masculine energy of the third chakra

  • Try new & challenging things! It could be a new hobby, skill, physical activity, or healthy habit you’ve been wanting to implement

  • Invite more independence into your life. Try those new things alone! This could be anything from going to a store or restaurant, a social gathering (going to hoop jams/ flow meet ups alone was something I used to be so scared off!), a concert, or vacation- depending on how much alone time is currently comfortable for you

  • Connect to solar energy, maybe exercising or meditating in the sun (dont forget SPF & sunglasses, @ myself lol)

  • Wake up for the sunrise & watch it set. Even if you can’t physically see the sun, take time to notice dawn & dusk approaching, watch the color changing sky

  • Connect to the fire element through candle magick, having a bonfire, or spinning fire for my flowmies!

  • Get your digestion in check! Are you going to the bathroom regularly? Having acid reflux? Absorbing the nutrients from your food? All of these will affect the flow of energy through this area in the physical body, and subsequently this chakra in the energetic body.

  • Get your heart rate up & sweat on, often.  This could be running, lifting weights, or a heat-building yoga practice

  • Assert & stand up for yourself. But only as is necessary for your integrity; without self-awareness, it is the ego in defense

  • Express yourself and live your life in a way that’s truly authentic to your soul. This takes a massive amount of stripping societal-imposed beliefs about the way our lives are supposed to look for most people

  • Question the internalized stories projected onto you by others/society

Journal prompts:

  • Who am eye? (one of my favorite prompts to revisit as a list over and over again)

  • When do I feel most independent?

  • What does the divine masculine mean to me?

  • Am I confident in my ability to make decisions? 

  • Do I know what my dharma (soul’s purpose in vedic traditions) is? 

  • What does it truly mean for me to be successful? How have I internalized societal definitions of success in my own dreams and goals?

  • When do I feel triggered by anger? Or defensive? (could reflect on a particular situation or a pattern of similar situations)

  • When do I find myself passing judgement on others? What is that this judgment is truly mirroring back onto me?

  • What aspects of my life do I feel I’m not reaching my highest potential? 

  • How can I accept, integrate, and honor my perceived “flaws?” (hint: are they actually flaws or other’s projections of their own?)

At a glance:

  • Color: yellow ~590 nanometers

  • Physical vessel: digestive organs, upper belly

  • Bija mantra: “RAM”

  • Element: fire

  • Ayurvedic dosha: pitta

  • Crystals: citrine, sunstone, fire opal, yellow topaz, amber, bumble bee jasper, argonite

  • Foods: turmeric, anything spicy


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