The 7th and final chakra that encompasses them all

What is the Essence of the crown chakra?

Sahasrara is the 7th (or 1st by a top-down view) energy center and it is located above our head, visualized as a white light that encompasses all the other colors, all other chakras. This energy center is associated with the divine, similarly to the 6th chakra, but in a more literal sense. If the Third Eye symbolizes the higher self & soul, the Crown symbolizes source & spirit. Of course these are very interconnected terms- as are the last two chakras- and your personal definition of those words (source, spirit, god, soul, etc) might totally differ from mine! And that’s fine- developing your own perspective & beliefs is really the whole point!

The Crown chakra is also associated with soul travel, past life experiences, and our ancestors. This is why it often opens when someone is grieving, has a near death or plant medicine experience. Spiritual development, transformation, and enlightenment are all also similarly associated with Sahasrara. Enlightenment, or nirvana, is the highest possible vibrational state we can achieve in this human form. The 7th energy is open only when the 6 energy centers below it are also open, and flowing; this means aligning all the chakras and expanding the Crown chakra is a process of raising the vibration of the energetic body. Perhaps not to nirvana in this lifetime for us, but definitely for the Buddha.

An open Crown chakra experiences communication and connection with spirit. I discussed what it feels like to channel through writing and other expressions in the Throat chakra, which is the energy center we use to communicate divine guidance to others; this explains why the 5th and 7th chakra are so closely linked. When we receive “downloads”- clear knowings or deep inner-standings that seemingly pop into our mind out of nowhere- it comes through an open Crown chakra.

This can looking like channeling through the Throat chakra, but it can take many other forms too. For me, a download feels like looking at a crystal or herb and just kind of knowing what it’s uses and associations are. Or like reading something about the way the universe works and it just really resonates and my soul recognizes it as true. Or when my reiki master attuned me! Again, communicating with divine energy greater than yourself is going to look different for everybody.

The Crown is one chakra that we do really want to be intentional about protecting the energy of. I’ve purposely avoided using terms like “over and underactive” as I don’t think it’s usually a necessary distinction and can kind of be more confusing than useful. What matters is recognizing that energy is not flowing in a balanced way through the chakra [and the whole chakra system].

With the Crown chakra specifically however, it is important to understand that when it is open and activated, it will require protection to prevent it from being easily over-active & over-stimulated. You do not want to blindly connect with any & all entities and energies… you will end up feeling exhausted…at best. There are so many ways to do this, here’s a few in an IG reel of mine. More than anything though, you can (and should) on a regular basis simply ask your guides/God/angels for protection & sovereignty from any energy that is not of the highest and greatest good.

How do we connect with the crown chakra?

  • adequately protect yourself with shielding and grounding & good spiritual hygiene on a daily basis! This is part of my daily reiki/meditation. For example, an auric sweep or white light visualization

  • meditate, visualization & reiki are key!!! Going inward and finding stillness are necessities for connecting to the highest chakra as they raise the vibration of our energy body. As we operate a higher vibration, we naturally aware of and in communication with a higher power outside of ourselves.

  • immerse in nature to connect to nature, plant, and animal spirits. Because you likely already feel a calming & peaceful energy when in nature, it raises your vibration and makes it easier to connect to source

  • connect to spirit guides, ancestors, deities, friends & family who have passed. This could mean anything from researching to doing a past life regression to leaving offerings

  • ritual or spell work. The process of creating a crystal grid, chanting, or picking flowers for a spell it allows our mind to shift out of its tangible, logical, 3D thinking and connect to a higher level of consciousness.

  • automatic write to allow source energy to flow through onto the pages (see Throat chakra for more)

  • connect with other spiritual groups. The collective energy in a room of people focusing on raising their vibration in a similar way is so powerful. If you’ve ever been to a yoga class and felt that post-class high from everyone in the room then you know what I’m talking about! Music & art festivals have also been super expansive of my Crown chakra.

Journal Prompts

  • How do I open myself up to a spiritual connection?

  • Are there any spirit guides, ancestors, etc that I feel connected to?

  • What were my earliest beliefs and feelings about ghosts, spirit, death, etc as a very young child?

  • What does the idea of angels, spirit guides, ancestral guides/wisdom mean to me?

  • What does god mean to me?

  • What are my feeling surrounding religion? how would I define the difference between religion and spirituality?

  • What does it feel like when something registers with my soul/heart as true?

  • What makes me feel connected to a power greater than myself?

At a glance:

  • Color: white, rainbow

  • Physical vessel: head, brain, endocrine system

  • Bija mantra: OM

  • Element: ether, light (kind of an ambiguous one)

  • Ayurvedic dosha: vata

  • Crystals: selenite, apophyllite, clear quartz, Leumerian seed, rainbow obsidian, opal, peacock ore, milky quartz

  • Planet: Jupiter


The Fae
